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Google rolls back reCaptcha update to fix Firefox issues (bleepingcomputer.com)
usr1106 7 hours ago [-]
Every decent CI would include at least a smoke test on the bigger platforms in the field. Google obviously having zero test coverage for FF on Windows, is that incompetence or malice?
nfriedly 1 hours ago [-]
chrisjj 22 hours ago [-]
> The script attempted to modify a div's background color using document.body.removeChild, but as the script was loaded in the HTML head, the DOM had not loaded yet and document.body was not available, causing the script error.

Don't we have computers to catch such faults?

chopin 20 hours ago [-]
Isn't it best practice to wait for document.loaded before starting JavaScript shenanigans?
chrisjj 4 hours ago [-]
I thought so, but the bigger problem here is not failure to wait but failure to verify safety.
chrisandchris 8 hours ago [-]
Well, that's web engineering basics 101: HTML/CSS/JS should be treated as sequential (line-by-line processed). Therefore, even linkting to JS before any HTML tag will result in no element being in the DOM (while the JS is called).
chrisjj 4 hours ago [-]
Indeed. Simple enough for a computer to check. So was Google short of computers? ;)
hulitu 5 hours ago [-]
> Don't we have computers to catch such faults?

We had some years ago. Now we have AI.

aitchnyu 5 hours ago [-]
I've seen sites in the wild which use Firebase for login and break in Firefox. Apparently you have to launch it as a popup which Firefox tends to suppress or make a proxy from yoururl.com to google.com.


voisin 2 hours ago [-]
How long must we be subject to ReCAPTCHA? Just until AI can solve it and render it useless as a gateway?
Modified3019 11 hours ago [-]
I’m curious, are there any AI assistants yet that can help me ID bikes, motorcycles and busses when the bot-detector decides to challenge me 10 times in a row?
2 hours ago [-]
lithos 3 hours ago [-]
Yes, though AI has been better than humans at those for some time. The real test now days is checking if the input "looks human" .
ChirronT447 16 hours ago [-]
My mother messaged yesterday "how do I get this thing to work".

Good to know it was actually broken

chopin 20 hours ago [-]
I fail to understand why this only an issue for FF. Is the Script only present for FF depending on user agent?
rebelwebmaster 19 hours ago [-]
See https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1894735#c15. It was code specifically targeting Firefox on Windows to blame.
19 hours ago [-]
wnissen 18 hours ago [-]
Oh, so glad to hear this. I thought I was going nuts.
hulitu 5 hours ago [-]
> Google rolls back reCaptcha update to fix Firefox issues

Firefox issues ? It was working fine until _Google_ updated it.

throwaway48476 17 hours ago [-]
>was broken on chrome with FF user agent

Why did Google target Firefox this way? Seems like an anto trust issue

VoidWhisperer 11 hours ago [-]
As the article mentions at the end, and I agree, I don't think this was inherently meant to be an anti-firefox change, otherwise they most likely wouldn't have made something specific to firefox on windows. More likely, this is a case of an anti-bot measure that only works in firefox on windows specifically, hence the specific targeting, and some google engineer didn't bother to test it thoroughly enough.
mrd3v0 7 hours ago [-]
And how many 'innocent' didn't-test-it-enough targetted user agent incidents do we have to witness in order to call it what it is and stop making excuses?
hwbunny 15 hours ago [-]
reCAPTCHA protects your website from fraud and abuse

!!!without creating friction.!!!

I have to laugh.

The better thing would be to throw away their terrible, fossilized dinosaur called recaptcha and copy some of the competitors, at least those are not annoying and doesn't force the user to do their idiotic games.

hulitu 5 hours ago [-]
> I have to laugh.

? After every corner could hide a terrorist. Be alert. /s

angela683h 5 hours ago [-]
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