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A smooth and sharp image interpolation you probably haven't heard of (wordsandbuttons.online)
GrantMoyer 1 days ago [-]
With k = 1/x, the inverse weight interpolation is equivalent to bilinear. Perhaps it's better to show the result for k = 1/x^2.

Neat aside, k = 1/x^∞ seems to be equivalent to nearest neighbor. (please excuse the abuse of notation)

MereInterest 1 days ago [-]
The abuse of notation is a useful one, as it also captures the sense that as the exponent approaches infinity, the interpolation approaches nearest neighbor interpolation. This seems similar to the “max norm”, described in the wiki link below, which also uses infinity to describe the relationship with other distance formulas.


lloeki 1 days ago [-]
Could be nice if there were a log-scale slider to interactively vary the exponent from 1 to ∞-ish and see how that affects the frame-cropped preview.
mark-r 1 days ago [-]
Bilinear isn't 1/x, it's 1-x.
GrantMoyer 1 days ago [-]
Right, but the more complicated expression ends up simplifying to the bilinear expression.
jasonjmcghee 1 days ago [-]
I found the original "pixelated" image to look higher resolution / crisper / more detailed.

Really at any size I tried, I found the "upscale" to look blurry / low quality.

Am I an outlier here?

chefandy 1 days ago [-]
There's no universal best option, here. Even two different pictures of the same thing at slightly different angles might look best with different upscaling algorithms. There are also variants on the smoother one to favor certain kinds of transitions. Really, though, all of those options suck. AI-powered options in Photoshop (much more controllable and reliable than SD or the like) actually invent details, so if provenance or accuracy is not important, (as it would be in a historic artifact, legal document, piece of visual art, or unique artisinal product,) that's always a possibility, but most projects have too many images to make tweaking each one individually viable.

Except in extremely rare situations, I flat-out refuse to work with low-quality source images in my design jobs. They can either give me a proper source image, pay me to rebuild it in a vector program if it's a logo or similar, or go down to the local sign shop and get someone to "design" something for them using a template. Most people end up having a higher quality copy around and just didn't know the difference between that and the screenshot they took of it, or the thumbnail they downloaded. At 300DPI with 4 colors, those flaws are glaringly obvious compared to screen resolution and sRGB color representation.

eddd-ddde 1 days ago [-]
You are right. It looks more pixelated, but better quality at the same time somehow?
dheera 1 days ago [-]
I think at this point diffusion model super-resolution out-beats everything else.
Dwedit 1 days ago [-]
My go-to for any kind of very fast image upscaling is the SuperXBR algorithm. It's fast, a pixel shader implementation runs at over 60FPS on Skylake IGP.

SuperXBR is in the family of Edge-Directed interpolation algorithms, so diagonal or curved lines will properly maintain their shape when upscaled, and not produce "staircase" artifacts that you see with other classical interpolation. It does not improve the sharpness though, images will still look blurry after being upscaled, just like when you perform bilinear upscaling.

But if you are doing any kind of non-realtime image upscaling today, you'd want to use the modern AI algorithms, such as Waifu2x or ESRGAN.

waffletower 1 days ago [-]
I find the transformer based SwinIR model to be both relatively computationally efficient (when compared to ESRGAN) and provides excellent quality upscaling for a very general set of input images.
amelius 1 days ago [-]
Ok. How can I apt-get install it?

PS: is it me or has it become more difficult to find cool stuff in your typical Linux distro?

Dwedit 1 days ago [-]
It's not a standalone program, it's usually a set of pixel shaders that can be integrated into another program.

I once made an image viewer that would apply the effect, but it's not publicly released.

There is an extremely roundabout way to see the effect in action on a Linux system using a package you can apt-get. It involves installing RetroArch, starting the "Image Viewer" core, loading an image, loading the shader preset named "super-xbr-2p.glslp", changing the number of shaders from 3 to 2 to exclude the "custom Jinc resharper" step and selecting Apply, then scaling the window to be exactly 2x the size of the original image. You probably don't want to do this.

But if you really want a standalone program, I could build a Windows .NET program that will apply the shader to images you paste in from the clipboard.

amelius 1 days ago [-]
That is very kind of you. But my statement was meant to be more general. I just have no time to dive into all the inevitable configure and compile issues anymore and am hoping that my Linux distro will catch up some day.
1 days ago [-]
Dylan16807 1 days ago [-]
When I think of "smooth and sharp" my mind goes to, uh, I guess "sharp bilinear" is the most common term?

It's like nearest neighbor interpolation but with less artifacting when the zoom is not an integer. The middle of each source pixel becomes a solid color block, and then bilinear filtering is applied to the single-pixel-wide seams between each block.

It's equivalent to doing a nearest neighbor upscale to floor(scale), then finishing with bilinear.

roger_ 2 days ago [-]
ur-whale 1 days ago [-]
I note that the "example 1 on one dimension" diagram in the link you provided produces a very strange curve, typically not the one you'd draw intuitively by hand.
ImHereToVote 2 days ago [-]
Why aren't the results of different interpolation methods shown in the website?
okaleniuk 1 days ago [-]
Good point. Why not? I'll add them.
WithinReason 1 days ago [-]
ImHereToVote 1 days ago [-]
Thank you very much.
mtekman 2 days ago [-]
probably because the visual differences are so slight that there is no benefit in showing them to someone who isn't deeply entrenched in the topic
ImHereToVote 2 days ago [-]
I think that would be me. Or anyone who would be interested in viewing this website. Would anyone not interested in this topic not want to ever see the differences?
szundi 2 days ago [-]
esafak 1 days ago [-]
There was a shareware site popular with the photo enthusiasts twenty years ago that implemented numerous resizing algorithms and allowed you to compare them visually. Unfortunately I can not recall its name.
Asooka 2 days ago [-]
I am a bit confused how the formula is different from a simple lerp.

    k(x) = 1/x
        y_i * k(x - x_i) + y_i+1 * k(x_i+1 - x)
    F = --------------------------------------- =
             k(x - x_i) + k(x_i+1 - x)
      y_i / (x - x_i) + y_i+1 / (x_i+1 - x)
    = --------------------------------------- =
           1 / (x - x_i) + 1 / (x_i+1 - x)
      y_i * (x_i+1 - x) / A + y_i+1 * (x - x_i) / A
    = ---------------------------------------------
           (x_i+1 - x) / A + (x - x_i) / A
    where A = (x - x_i) * (x_i+1 - x)
    scaling to x_i+1 - x_i = 1, and using a = (x - x_i)
    F = (1 - a) * y_i + a * y_i+1
The only time this wouldn't hold is when A = 0, but then F is not defined anyway. However, the graph of F shown is decidedly not that of the lerp function.
okaleniuk 2 days ago [-]
Oh, it seems that a square fell off. It should have been 1/x^2. 1/x works fine for bitmaps, but in 1-dimensional case 1/x indeed turns the whole thing into linear interpolation, you're right.
okaleniuk 2 days ago [-]
Yep, there is a square in the source:

    // interpolation/extrapolation with no basis functions
    var weight2d1 = 2;
    const wf2d1 = function(x) {return 1./Math.pow(x, weight2d1);}
deadbabe 1 days ago [-]
AI based interpolation will soon make these mathematical interpolation methods obsolete right?
edflsafoiewq 1 days ago [-]
In quality, yes, but they're only feasible for stuff like batch processing because they're so huge and slow. You can't use them for stuff like scaling an <img> in a browser.

Incidentally, the way I always thought it would work is the huge and slow AI would be used to discover a tiny algorithm that just so happens to be an amazing image rescaler. Instead we just ship the whole AI.

Anybody know of any work on the former strategy?

Dwedit 1 days ago [-]
AI-based image upscaling happened many years ago. Waifu2x first released back in 2015, and ESRGAN first released in 2018.
waffletower 1 days ago [-]
SwinIR hails from 2021: https://arxiv.org/abs/2108.10257
NayamAmarshe 1 days ago [-]
Yes, with Upscayl, we’re already doing that (https://upscayl.org).

It’s not as fast yet but it’s extremely good. Good enough that you could print a low resolution image after upscaling.

deadbabe 1 days ago [-]
Thank you for everything you do!!
egorfine 1 days ago [-]
For practical reasons mostly yes.

For scientifically correct scaling (think forensics) you will of course need to interpolate the source data instead of generating synthetic data which is done by AI upscaling.

ur-whale 1 days ago [-]
Not entirely sure the AI scaling is more or less "correct" than the "interpolate the source data" method.

Both use priors, the former a large and complex one, the latter a simplistic one, but both "invent data based on assumptions".

Dylan16807 1 days ago [-]
You can completely understand and intuit what interpolation does, and it doesn't drag in extra detailing from anywhere.
amelius 1 days ago [-]
That's correct but probably also practically irrelevant.
amelius 1 days ago [-]
If you prefer hands with six fingers ...
1 days ago [-]
krapp 1 days ago [-]
No, why would they? What would you expect an "AI" to do besides somehow implement an interpolation algorithm? The math is unavoidable.
wmf 1 days ago [-]
AI algorithms encode domain knowledge in their weights that isn't present in simple interpolation functions. This can lead to better perceptual quality.
deadbabe 1 days ago [-]
With AI based interpolation, I should be able to zoom in forever without seeing pixelation at any level of zoom.
krapp 1 days ago [-]
Beyond a certain point that ceases to be interpolation and just becomes simulation. An image only has so much information in it, and AI isn't magic.
giobox 1 days ago [-]
For lots of uses cases, if the end output meets user expectations, does it really matter if it was interpolated from simulated data?

For many use cases (editing old family photos etc), I'm increasingly not caring. I don't need per-pixel accuracy, I need a nice artifact that reminds me of a memory. If it looks 100 percent accurate to my eye, I'm not sure I care how much "fake" data it took to generate it. The important thing is it records the scene as I remember it.

This isn't hypothetical either; Photoshop already shipped their first iteration of the idea, for sure won't be the last:

> https://www.digitaltrends.com/computing/photoshop-generative...

> https://www.reddit.com/r/photoshop/comments/13s6tp9/using_th...

krapp 1 days ago [-]
Obviously if you don't care, it doesn't matter to you. But you not caring about objective reality versus your own vibes doesn't mean no one else has a valid reason to care. I personally would prefer my family photos not to contain machine generated hallucinations, because that doesn't actually represent reality.

But, just as obviously, you're correct that AI is going to force itself into every possible application and it doesn't matter.

TeMPOraL 1 days ago [-]
No, but information isn't contained entirely in the image, but also in the assumptions about it. Simulation is exactly how you can retrieve more information than explicitly encoded in pixels - the information comes from how assumptions about the universe constrain possible states that would downscale to your original image.
krapp 1 days ago [-]
I can take an photo of a locked door and no amount of assumptions you can make will allow you to retrieve generate an accurate photograph of what's behind it. You can assume anything. An empty room. A pile of money. Two unicorns copulating. Assumptions about an image are not information about the image, by definition.
TeMPOraL 1 days ago [-]
You'd be surprised. Depending on the resolution of the photo, I might be able to get a low-res image of what's behind the door through the light leaks in its cracks. The more I know about the camera you used, the specific setting you took that photo in, the better chance I have at making a good guess of what's behind the door. Or behind the camera. These are the "assumptions" I'm talking about. External knowledge applied to resolve ambiguities.

For simpler examples, compare:

- GPS signal power at the receiver is under the thermal noise floor, yet they can still be recovered if you know exactly where to look.

- Nonlinear image transformations like blurs can still be inverted if you know or can guess the transform and exact coefficients used. Which is why, to redact something, you really want to paint over it with uniform color, instead of blurring it.

Or just a lot of what photogrammetry is about.

deadbabe 1 days ago [-]
After a certain level of zoom, simulation should be expected. Interpolation will only take you so far. If someone wants to zoom in 1000x and see a microscopic image, not just a smear of pixels, then so be it.

If you only want an image to be 100% realistic you must stay at the original zoom level.

1 days ago [-]
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