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Rust: Structuring and handling errors in 2020 (2020) (nick.groenen.me)
mrec 1188 days ago [-]
Worth noting that this blog post was written before the official Error Handling Project Group got going. The Group aims to regularize best practice and bring it into the standard library.


(Disclaimer: I'm not involved with this group in any way.)

rectang 1188 days ago [-]
This advice mostly makes sense to me now, but coming in as a newbie, I didn't know what either `Box` or `dyn` meant, and I didn't want to just cargo-cult copy-paste. A newcomer to the language has to deal with error handling right away, long before you need to know about either `Box` or `dyn`.

I sort of wish there was some official `Outcome` type defined as an alias of `Result<T, Box<dyn Error>>`:

   fn main() -> OutCome<()> {
And then all the crates that offer their own `Result` types would have offered an `Outcome` insteaad: `io::Outcome`, `fmt::Outcome`, etc.

It's not that big a deal, eventually we'll all struggle through — but `Box<dyn Error>` is a bit confusing at first.

nonbirithm 1188 days ago [-]
You might like 'anyhow': https://github.com/dtolnay/anyhow
bccdee 1188 days ago [-]
Yeah `anyhow` is basically `Result<T, Box<dyn Error>>` but ergonomic.
lr1970 1188 days ago [-]
> I sort of wish there was some official `Outcome` type defined as an alias of `Result<T, Box<dyn Error>>`

Would it be as easy as

type OutCome<T> = Result<T, Box<dyn Error>>;

rectang 1188 days ago [-]
Yes! But...

1) If I type that line myself, I want to know what `Box<dyn Error>` means.

2) For an audience of mixed levels of Rust expertise, the `Box<dyn Error>` idiom is on average clearer, because the more experienced Rustaceans will have seen it before while `Outcome` will be unfamiliar and in need of explanation.

I thought about publishing a crate with just that one line, but there's already a slew of other similar solutions out there (anyhow, any-error, etc...). There's not that much to gain.

I just think it's worth pointing out that it's weird to require newbies to understand `Box` and `dyn` in order to handle errors.

aldanor 1188 days ago [-]
Another crate to mention - eyre and color-eyre, basically a port of anyhow but a few bells and whistles, and an awesome colored error report formatter.


muskox2 1188 days ago [-]
I use a similar method for error handing, using the derive_more crate to avoid the boilerplate. I really wish that the error messages for standard library operations, like opening a file, were more descriptive. It's a pain to have to wrap the error with the filename ever time you do an IO operation.
dmit 1188 days ago [-]
On the off-chance you didn't know: the `fs-err` crate is a drop-in replacement for `std::fs` that provides more friendly error messages.


muskox2 1188 days ago [-]
I didn't know, thanks!
larusso 1188 days ago [-]
Thanks for this post. It’s been a while since I wrote a lot of rust code that needed more error handling. I used the error-chain crate like two years ago and was never really satisfied. The macro construct felt weird. I also split my application into binary and library part. I will check out these two crates for my next project because the code looked really nice. Except maybe the map_err cases. I dislike the need to manually wrap errors around. The error-chain crate had default into implementations and chain functions for the result type. But honestly I never got around to understand when to use what.

[error-chain]: https://crates.io/crates/error-chain

xixixao 1188 days ago [-]
Funny to see this here, as I just referenced this for my toy project (via a Google search). If you're toying with Rust, `anyhow` is what you want (the blog post describes what to do if you want to go beyond printing errors as strings).
ibraheemdev 1188 days ago [-]
So we're marking posts as [2020] already?
Redoubts 1188 days ago [-]
overboard2 1188 days ago [-]
It is May of 2020, which makes it a bit better.
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