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Show HN: Tefter – A Social bookmarking app for individuals and teams (tefter.io)
zorbash 1604 days ago [-]
Hι folks, Tefter Co-founder here, happy to answer any questions you may have. We’ve been building this service for a year now and always hesitated to post about it here.

A list of the most important features of Tefter can be found here https://github.com/tefter/tefter

Tefter is our attempt to build a bookmarks manager with social aspects, one which respects your privacy and you can use it to collaborate in teams. We were big fans of del.icio.us and still grieve its demise. We aim to make bookmarking _portable_ by implementing a browser extension and a mobile app. It’s privacy focused in the sense that you can keep your profile private, you can export your data and always choose what you share with others.

We appreciate your ideas and feedback!

dimkots 1604 days ago [-]
I've been a Tefter user from its early days and all I can say is: wow! So simple yet so powerful! I wouldn't imagine that what I needed was "less UI". I migrated all my data from Pocket and actually started reading things I had saved to read later!

For every feature request or bug report I had, the team behind Tefter had an immediate response.

Keep pushing!

pagojo 1604 days ago [-]
Hey, can we migrate content from Pocket?
zorbash 1604 days ago [-]
Yes, you can import for either Pocker, Pinboard or the browser.
pagojo 1603 days ago [-]
Super! Just saw that :-)
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